
Friday, September 14, 2018

My amazing Beppe

My Amazing Beppe

Her short white curly hair stays still while she sits in her chair. Bright brown eyes stare back at me as she smiles. We watch lots of old movies and I love going upstairs and exploring the the big dump of old toys that my dad used to play with when he was little.

Her rattly old dutch voice chatters to me a lot you could call her a chatterbox. She loves to clean up her antique teapots and cups. She always has a twinkle in her eyes and a big happy smile. I LOVE MY BEPPE!

The dark alleyway

I walk down the cold damp dark alleyway it is so quiet you could hear a bubble pop. I know this place is haunted I jump when I see a trash can move but thank god it is just a cat. The old street lamps flicker faster than a butterfly. Graffiti covers the brown damp concrete walls.

Friday, September 7, 2018


What she looks like: Her bright sky blue eyes twinkle in the daylight. Her straight black shiny hair shines in the stage light. A brown clean shiny guitar gets played on a big stage.

Her personality: her bubbly personality is more bubbly than a bubble bath.She is also very kind and caring.